The lord of this world is the mars. Gemini is the 3rd sign. They are fascinating in addition to intelligent. They can understand the sensations of the others. They do social works. The fortunate numbers are 24, 16, and 4. The shade that matches this sign is silk white. Scorpio is the 8 sign existing in the horoscope. Mars is the lord of this indication. The color that prefers them is red. However, as they make friendship, they continue it for a long time. The lucky shade is yellow. Capricorn, the tenth sign is discovered to be positive. They can produce great financial problem. Nevertheless, they are likewise discovered to be envious too. The lord of this sign is Saturn. The lord of this zodiac indication is Saturn. They such as to do help others. They, however, lacked confidence in them. The shade that fits them the most is dark blue. The fortunate numbers are 26, 17, and 8. Individuals of this indication are located to be honest, and are not egocentric in any way. They barely get success in their organization. The fortunate numbers are 3, 21 and 12.